SEA BUCKTHORN (Hippophae L.) A Multipurpose Wonder Plant Vol. II: Biochemistry and Pharmacology Editor-in-Chief: Virendra Singh - 2006
To his chapter titled, Free Radicals, Diseases, Anti-oxidants and Anti-oxidant Properties of SEA BUCKTHORN to a chapter on SEA BUCKTHORN as a Radio- Protector Dr. Virendra Singh offers a comprehensive look at SEA BUCKTHORN in his book SEA BUCKTHORN (Hippophae L.) - A Multipurpose Wonder Plant. This second edition comprises 42 different papers written by scientists from Russia, China, Indian, Finland, Germany, and Central Asia. The first section on "Biochemistry" has 25 papers and deals with the bioactive compounds like vitamins, carotenoids, FLAVONOIDS, sterols, tannins, fatty acids, amino acids, and minerals. The second section on "Pharmacology" has 12 papers and provides in depth information on studies, experiments, and clinical trails on the efficacy of SEA BUCKTHORN on various diseases of the skin, cardiovascular system, cancer, ulcer, and wounds in animals and some studies in human beings. The final "Miscellaneous" section consisting of 5 papers deals with such topics as processing technology and health food product development. The book is ideal for researchers, herbalists, policy makers, and those interested in knowing more about SEA BUCKTHORN.
PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health that includes over 16 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. A search for seaubuckthorn or hippophae rhamnoides will produce over 130 studies.
Google scholar
Google scholar covers peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, and other scholarly literature. You'll find publications from academic publishers, professional societies, and scientific journals. Do a search on Google Scholar for SEA BUCKTHORN and you'll find over 500 scholarly articles. Now do a search for hippophae rhamnoides and you'll find about 2,300!
In 1985 China, Finland, and Russia advocated communication and cooperation on the study and research of SEA BUCKTHORN. Their first conference dedicated to SEA BUCKTHORN was held in 1989 where they formed the International SEA BUCKTHORN Association (ISA) dedicated to the promotion and utilization of SEA BUCKTHORN. At their third conference in 1995 they established the International Center for Research and Training on SEA BUCKTHORN (ICRTS). The association now holds international conferences every two years. The English version of their website ( contains some high level information, but you'll easily see that there's a lot more information on the Chinese version ( You can paste this URL into BabelFish ( and have the site translated into English.